Monday, August 15, 2011

It's Almost Time!!

Well its almost time!!! Check in at 5:30 Surgery at 7:30am.  Cant sleep just keep thinking about it all.  Still a little nervous but much better than it has been. Really missing my babies tonight!!!

And thank you to everyone for the prayers and being there for me through all this!!

Special Thank you to:
Cory, Kenna, Colby & Kyle For being the best kids a mother could ask for yall are so strong and understanding!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
Kurt, the best hubby in the world you are my rock you have been awesome through all this when i was down we prayed, When i was bored you kept me company, and through all this pain you know just how to comfort me, You always know how to lift me up and I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!
Charlyn, You are the best mom ever thank you for not giving up on me and helping me through all this even when i would get so frustrated you stayed calm and got me the help i needed, I cant thank you enough for everything you have done!!
Dad thanks for listing to me and praying with me I Love You!!!
To my awesome brothers, sisters, in -Laws and friends, Thank yall for everything from helping with the kids, the meals, the clean house and just being there to listen, I know you all have taken time from your own family and for all this i owe yall the world!! I Love You All Greatly!!
Sorry is i didn't name you directly but my list is so long and and I'm so grateful to have such wonderful support,  Because with out all of you i would have been lost. oxox
Goodnight i will keep everyone posted!!!


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